
Showing posts from October, 2008


Disclaimer: I did not take the above picture, but found it online on Obama's website. HOLY COW! Today, one of Obama's biggest rallies of the year, with an estimated 100,000 people, took place in Denver. Finally, he picked a day I didn't have to work, and I headed down to Civic Center Park with friends Chris and Rene. We got in line at 9am and would all through Denver, getting through security around 10:30. We listened to all of Colorado's political bigwigs (Gov. Bill Ritter, Sen. Ken Salazar, and Congressman (soon to be Senator) Mark Udall). Did I mention that there were a LOT of people in Denver today? The people behind us go all the way up the steps of the capital. These are the people in front of us. Above is the guest of honor himself, see if you can enlarge and see him! Below, Chris, Chris, Rene, and Meghan. Can you BELIEVE we found our friends in this mob? No cell phones used or anything! There was a lot of waiting before Obama himself spoke, but it was worth i...


A Week in the Life of a Swing State

Hello from Colorado. You, oh relatives in Illinios, may have heard this term, "Swing State." Of course you know what it means-it is a state that could vote either Democrat or Republican. But what is it like to LIVE in one? 1. I haven't seen a non-political commercial in MONTHS. 2. Here was Colorado's schedule just this week: MONDAY: Barack Obama was here (Westminster? Arvada? One of the two) to speak. TUESDAY: Michelle Obama spoke at a college campus in Boulder. THURSDAY: McCain speaks to a "Women Only" group in Denver. FRIDAY: McCain will speak in Pueblo, CO. SATURDAY: Sarah Palin will speak in some undisclosed, but Colorado, location. Yep, we're just living the dream, here. Now, I have a debate to watch!

So what's new? Not much.

I know, I need a new post. Seriously, though, not only does work keep me pretty darn busy, it also stops me from doing neat things worth posting about, like going to other countries. I haven't taken a picture in months. And now it has gone and gotten me sick! Therefore, the latest can be boiled down to bullets: Okay, I'm very excited about the election. At last check this morning, Colorado was light blue instead of red or purple! But there are a lot of writers out there much better at writing about politics than I am, so for today, I'll leave 'em to it. That horrible back pain I was suffering from (though don't believe I mentioned on my blog) for about a month following my birthday? Completely gone. Thank goodness! Fencing is great, but I missed Monday due to this cold. Grrr. The jury's still out about going tonight. My instructor thinks I'm almost ready to start fencing in tournaments....hmmm. Fall is finally coming in Denver.. . it's a little chillie...