"Impossible is Nothing"

Haha I read that on a tshirt yesterday on a guy that only spoke Spanish and it cracked me up.

Anyway, the best laid plans...I got up at 3:30am on Saturday morning to catch a 5am bus to Liberia, Costa Rica. My first public bus adventure! I slept through most of it. Got to Liberia at about 8am, went to the OTHER bus station (why they can{t have just 1 I don{t know)to meet my friends and catch the bus to Nicaragua....which had just left! And it doesn{t run that often, and I didn{t know where everyone was going and all that, so I opted against going by myself. So, what to do in Liberia? Not much, took a cab but instead of returning to Playa Flamingo decided to check out Tamarindo, the surf town, instead. Headed there, hung out on the beach and watched people surf. but I couldn{t swim cause I had my whole weekend bag for Nicaragua and it just wouldn{t do to have all my money and passport and camera, etc. stolen. Then I wandered the town and shopped a bit. Walking back to the beach ran into the other guy in my Spanish class last week who is here with his girlfriend{s family. Hallelujah, the girlfriend{s mom watched my stuff so i could run into the water! It was, I believe, 106 degrees. Then I grabbed some lunch (caesar salad with fish...the fish here is soooo good...and it was the only thing I ate all day because of the heat) and waited for the bus back to Flamingo. And waited. And waited. Dang thing was an hour late...I am not used to the whole "tico time" thing yet. Anyway, made it back here, then almost an hour walk back on the beach to the cabinas I{m staying in. And though I was supposed to move rooms on Sunday, those people are so darned efficient, all my suitcases and such were gone already! So I had to get that sorted out. I was pretty much useless for the rest of the day. Sunday, more time at the beach, pool, and relaxing.

Yesterday back to school, I like my teacher and class this week. One guy from Texas (they have taken over this school, I swear) and a girl from Switzerland. I{ve met a lot of cool people this week being in morning classes. Tonight I{m going with a girl from Toronto (Aarti?) to dinner at Las Brisas and to watch fireworks that are going off across the beach. A restaurant owned by Americans is putting on a fireworks show tonight! It{s weird being in a foreign country on an American holiday! It{s so cool meeting people from all over, but it{s going to make it so much harder to leave! Maybe it{ll give me an excuse to visit England, Switzerland, and Toronto though! And of course, my Costa Rican friends, you all have a place on my couch any time! Hey my patriotic event for teh day was talking Bush and politics with my Spanish teacher...more on that later. For now I{d better sign off, happy 4th of July, I hopw all of you are well, and feel free to leave a comment! ¡Hasta luego!


Anonymous said…
so sorry to hear about your plans, i guess it wasn't meant to be! your weekends sounds OK though. i went to a rockies game and totally dumped & downpoured on!! after a very long rain delay they won & now there is a 3-way tie for 1st place. i thought you might want a rockies update :)
Anonymous said…
Isn't this rain amazing Carol? It's like Linn sent us our own little piece of Costa Rica! I'm still waiting for the beach though...

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