Okay, my postings are becoming fewer and farther between! For one, of course, I am back to school. It's a busy time of year (what time isn't?) with CSAP, report cards, and parent teacher conferences all looming. My class also seems to be getting more difficult every day. Maybe it's all the inside recesses and 6th weekend snowstorm in a row in the mail?

Even more than that though I am taking 2 grad school classes. See, I would've taken 1 last semester and 1 this semester but neither of the 2 I needed to graduate were offered in the fall! I really want to graduate and be done (and get a raise!) in May so I have to just get through it....which means 2 15-hour days a week with evening classes, and homework all weekend-boo! Okay, now I'm done whining...err, that is, explaining why you might not hear from me for weeks on end!

On the bright side, I've had some good poker games lately....got 4th in Hold' Em on Sunday and 1st (!!) in Omaha! Then I got 2nd on Tuesday...and smoked last night. Oh, well. I know, you're thinking, how can she complain about being so busy when she's playing all this poker? Well, to my credit (okay, maybe not CREDIT) I have been taking my laptop to the bars/restaurants and actually working. The only reason I didn't win the 2nd game Sunday was because I didn't play it! Sat and read and typed. So don't get too jealous of my raging social life! Drop me a line, all....

Okay, okay, I don't have a picture of me studying during poker, phew, but here is a Costa Rica picture instead. Time to go back, I think!


Lindahl News 2 said…
That picture of Costa Rica is beautiful...thanks for choosing to post an exotic location with NO snow...sorry you have really gotten hit so hard with the white, cold stuff this winter!
Good luck with all you have going on in school, taking classes and playing poker. Seems like you've had a streak of luck lately!
Linnea said…
I have been doing pretty well lately...but now I am pooped! Left for work at 7am and just now am getting home at 9pm...and I was at school, not poker.oh well! It will be so good to be DONE!

I figured I didn't want to look at any more snow pictures...this weather man on tv just talks about more and more. Boo! Time to move South! How has your winter been? I saw your gorgeous snow pics a couple weeks ago...

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