Graduation Day!
Sorry, photos will have to be added mom took most of them, and I'll need Toni's help to get the others off my camera. Anyway it has been a weekend full of celebration! I had my very last graduate class on Thursday and took Friday off to celebrate and RELAX! I slept in, read in bed, and picked up my cap & gown. Then at 5 it was off to Cindy's to PARTY! She and Matt threw a great party-food, drink, family, friends, and even a poker game later on! It was a wonderful graduation gift. I think I can safely say a good time was had by all! As a little icing on the cake, we played a late poker game and Toni and I got 1st and 2nd place (we don't know who got what, it was getting late and we decided to split the winnings). Early Saturday morning we headed downtown for graduation. It was hot, and long, but worth it to celebrate such hard work! I saw an old friend from UNC and a friend from a few classes, which was nice. After the ceremony, we did the pictures and wen...