A Very Good Day!
Yes, it has been forever since I updated....apologies, life has been quite hectic! Since my last posting I have submitted my portfolio (HUGE amount of work!) for graduation and been working hard to finish all of my assignments for my two grad classes. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near done, work-wise. Although I have only two classes left, Monday and Thursday, I have four papers and a presentation to do! However, I'm in a great mood. Here's why:
- I am supposed to find out about if my portfolio is accepted sometime tomorrow or later. I asked my professor tonight, how much later? Because I have been having nightmares about that thing. He said, "I can't tell you now that your portfolio was accepted, but you can stop having nightmares." Woohoo!
- Although my school's third grade class has the lowest CogAt (cognitive abilities) test scores in the whole district, our CSAP reading scores came in this week and they went up 5 percentage points. Yippee! (We worked our collective butts off with this very challenging class)
- Oh yeah, graduation is in 9 days! My last grad class ever will be over a week from now. PARTY at Cindy's on Friday (I'm even taking the day off of work!) and graduation on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I'm pretty psyched with things right now. Of course, I should be going to bed but I am wiiiiide awake. Just thought I'd let you all know I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. Maybe, sometime soon, I will update more than every other month.
done! What will do with all your "free" time now?
And any plans to travel like you did last summer?
Yes, actually, I'm going to Peru for 3 weeks this summer! Just can't keep me in one place for too long :)