This was for me, by far the most difficult and emotional part of the weekend. It also meant the most to me. For the burial, my grandmother was buried next to my grandfather in Crown Hill Cemetery. After Wes said a few words and a prayer, the family shared memories of Grandma. I don't want to forget what was said here. I started out by writing what I recall being said, until I realized how personal this process was, and that it might not be appropriate for sharing unless it's voluntary.Therefore, I invite family members (even those who don't often comment), to help me share and remember the words said about Grandma, if you are comfortable doing so.
Here was my contribution.
So many of my memories of both grandparents revolve around the big house they used to have in Arvada. It was such a welcoming place, and they so cherished having family around. I have so many family memories of playing with my brothers and cousins, celebrating holidays and birthdays, and just hanging out, at that house. My grandparents were happiest when surrounded by their 4 children and spouses, and 10 grandchildren.
Grandma was so proud of her family. Every time I visited her at Covenant Village, I felt like she was showing me off to all her friends there. She talked all the time about her kids and grandkids, telling anyone around what everyone was up to. She just loved to brag about us!
Another memory, which I didn't share, was this: you NEVER left grandma's house empty-handed! This applied as a kid, I'm sure, but even more as I got older. After I moved out, it seemed that Grandma was under the impression that I lived in an apartment lacking in any furniture, dishes, or linens! The boxes and loaded bags I frequently left Covenant Village with were...well...let's say mixed blessings. My favorite thing ever was when Grandma let us granddaughters pick out a tea cup and saucer from her collection-mine has blue flowers on it and is displayed in my kitchen. I also have a set of drinking glasses from her. Other treasures were a little harder to find a use for. But the bottom line is, she was a giving person above all else, and will be missed.
Okay, guys, your turn! (You don't need a login or password, you can leave an "anonymous" comment, and put your name in the post if you like)
As I continue to think about Mom, what I said at the burial service was so apparent: she was far spunkier than we knew, and had such a desire for her family to be
together. And she was NOT going to let any Dr. tell her when it was "her time". She died when she was ready, and of that I have no doubt. She would have loved seeing all of us together laughing, eating, hugging, loving.
I miss her terribly.