Oops, I skipped a post

Oops! Checking back for comments I realized I had left my Greek island post hanging with some suspense (at least that was my intent)...and then skipped forward. The PLAN was to leave Athens the next day to catch the ferry. We packed up (always a dreaded task) and got out early, where our friendly desk clerk asked, "Where are you going?" We happily told him, we are taking the subway to the train station to take the train to catch the ferry! He told us that the public transit, including subways and buses, was on strike for the day (apparently this is a common occurance, and a lot of people knew about it ahead of time-but not us. Not understanding Greek was probably a contributing factor). So we thought, perhaps we could take a taxi to the train station-were the trains on strike too? He did not know. So we lugged our stuff to the ferry place. They said yes, the trains are on strike too-but only for the day. So we bought our ferry tickets for the FOLLOWING day, went BACK to the hotel, checked back in for the same room, and consulted our maps for more things to do in Athens.

Travel Rule #1: Don't make too many plans. Then you won't be disappointed if it doesn't work out.


Lindahl News 2 said…
Oh, so true about Travel Rule #1!

Looking forward to learning more rules in future posts.

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