Adventures at Poker Night
With the newest snowstorm moving in, Toni and I went off to poker at a bar/restaurant in Lafayette called Dillingers. For those of you who don't know, Toni's job is to run poker games; he owns a small company that does this. Because of the snow, it was a smaller-than-usual crowd. The adventures began when the power went out....and stayed out for over 2 hours! However, we are die-hard poker players because there wasn't even a question of ending the game-and we even played a second game afterwards! Many candles, flashlights, and even cell phone lights were used in order to see the cards. I tried to take pictures of this fun night, but either it was too dark, or the flash went off so it's hard to tell how dark it actually was. It was definitely a different kind of poker game!
It snowed all evening and night, but the 18" predicted never materialized for was maybe a foot of snow, but that's plenty when you get plowed in on all 3 sides! (Thanks, Toni, for your shoveling services!)