Laguna de Apoyo....again!
The first time I went to this deep crater lake, I didn't feel like my camera captured the deep greens and blues of the water very well, so I tried again, and even got some pictures from the kayak I was in! I also took some pictures in the late afternoon when the sun was already starting to go down. So, here are those results...
I think I did a better job of capturing this spot's beauty this time around! (Also the weather/lighting was a lot better)
It was another very relaxing day at Laguna de Apoyo! I was just dying to escape the HEAT! A day of swimming out to the dock and sunbathing, floating around on tubes, and even kayaking was just what I needed! It was a gorgeous, perfect day.
(An unfortunate aside...thinking I could carry the kayak down to the water by myself, I twisted my ankle, which was quite painful and made me glad I was leaving the next day! It's pretty much better, but I'm a little slow on it and Toni calls me "gimpy" now...but I did get to ride the little cart at DIA!)
You came. You saw. You conquered!
Love the one of yur feet at the front of the kayak.