Laguna de Apoyo....again!

The first time I went to this deep crater lake, I didn't feel like my camera captured the deep greens and blues of the water very well, so I tried again, and even got some pictures from the kayak I was in! I also took some pictures in the late afternoon when the sun was already starting to go down. So, here are those results...
I think I did a better job of capturing this spot's beauty this time around! (Also the weather/lighting was a lot better)

It was another very relaxing day at Laguna de Apoyo! I was just dying to escape the HEAT! A day of swimming out to the dock and sunbathing, floating around on tubes, and even kayaking was just what I needed! It was a gorgeous, perfect day.
(An unfortunate aside...thinking I could carry the kayak down to the water by myself, I twisted my ankle, which was quite painful and made me glad I was leaving the next day! It's pretty much better, but I'm a little slow on it and Toni calls me "gimpy" now...but I did get to ride the little cart at DIA!)


Lindahl News 2 said…
Good job on this batch of photos.
You came. You saw. You conquered!

Love the one of yur feet at the front of the kayak.
Cherith said…
Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! You're hired as photographer at all family gatherings from this day forward. And, might I add, I can't get over your Nelson traits in these photos ... your Grandma would love it.

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