I'm as Surprised as You Are
I completely blame my fencing coach, Russell.
See, here's what happened. We were talking about weather, and how really big lakes, such as Lake Nicaragua, can cause their own weather. Then later in the week, I mentioned that I wasn't sure if I'd be in for the next week or two, because I have a break in classes, and might go out of town. He asked, oh, are you going to Lake Nicaragua?
I wasn't planning on it, but once I got that idea in my head, I couldn't get it out! So the research phase began. For my out of country trips, this phase often lasts several months. This, it was a few days. Bought the Lonely Planet book pictured, checked out fares and did some online research, emailed some friends, thought. This morning, I went "GULP" and clicked the enticing "purchase" button.
So here's the story. In less than 24 hours, I'm flying to Nicaragua!
In case you are my mother, or anyone else's mother, or related to me in any way: Lonely Planet reports that although Nicaragua has a bad reputation for being dangerous, that is due to the Sandanista/civil wars in the 1980's, which are, clearly, over. Nicaragua is ACTUALLY the safest country in Central America. (Did that make anyone feel better?)
The rough itinerary is to fly into Managua, spend the first night there since I arrive late, go to Granada, which is supposed to be one of the prettiest cities in Nicaragua, and then take a ferry to Isla de Ometepe, on Lake Nicaragua (biggest lake in Central America, and biggest lake island). The whole island was formed by 2 volcanoes. Hang out there, check out volcanoes and petroglyphs, chill on the beach, see a waterfall, etc. Then I might go to the Corn Islands, or else Volcan Mombacho (which is active) and then make my way home.
Dang. I need to start packing. And what am I gonna do with all the food in my fridge?