More Driving.

Although I have set up my tent twice and taken it down once, eaten, slept, and bought many gallons of gas, it feels like all I've done for the last two days is DRIVE! Over 1000 miles already.

I am now right outside Glacier National Park, in very northern Montana (go too far north and you have to show your passport!)

Observations about Montana:
1. It is light all the time here. I can not stay awake as long as the sun is was bright enough to wake me up at 5:40 this morning, and up until 10pm last night! Today at 4pm the sun was directly overhead.

2. I can't upload pictures in Montana, even though I can download them onto my computer, and get online.

3. There are not stop signs at all intersections-especially in neighborhoods. So, in these cases, you hope no one else driving around is as much of an idiot as you are.


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