St. Mary Waterfall

I can't do the driving through the whole dang park, pulling off to take pictures thing! This morning, went on a short hike to a waterfall on the way through! Lovely...AND my ankle is holding up well! Yay!

Yes, I just took a picture of the water...but would you check out that shade of green??


Lindahl News 2 said…
You win the prize for most beautiful locations (and pictures)
in ONE summer...and it isn't even over yet!
Anonymous said…
amazing... thanks for posting so I could do a little procrastinating today! hope the trip is going well! -- rene.
Linnea said…
Deb-Andrew stole my volcano sunset for his screen saver...but I told him I wouldn't get him on copywright laws.

Rene-Wow, did you know you can post comments?! Good work!

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