Granja El Roble and Belen (Part 2)

This is the cabin we stayed in.
Well, it turns out I took a LOT of pictures of the place, and they didn't all fit in my last post! Here are some photos from our second day. After a leisurely morning drinking coffee and eating breakfast, we walked into the town of Belen. In these little towns, you have to learn how to entertain yourself! We stopped by a tiny craft fair, walked forever looking for the river, talked to a really old lady who spoke mostly Guarani, got some ice cream, walked through the cemetery, and walked through a lot of mud! All in all it was a good day. 

The next morning we walked a few kilometers up to Belen.

Belen's claim to fame is that the Tropic of Capricorn runs through it!


This is the guy that crawled out of the lake!


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